10 Interesting Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt

Post On: March 24, 2017
By: Agustina
In: People

The following Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt will talk about the famous Prussian explorer who was born on October 23rd, 1813. He died circa 1848. His full name was Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt. He earned the fame after he explored central and northern Australia. His birthplace was located in Trebatsch village, Brandenburg. There were eight kids in the family and Ludwig was the sixth child.

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 1: parents

His mother was Charlotte Sophie. His father was Matthias Leichhardt. He worked as a royal inspector and farmer.

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 2: the college period

Leichhardt was enrolled at Universities of Göttingen and Berlin to study a number of subjects such as natural sciences, language and philosophy in 1831 until 1836. However, he did not have any degree from the university.

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 3: relocating to England

In 1837, Leichhardt relocated to England. He visited many places in England to continue his study related to natural sciences. He also went to Switzerland, Italy and France to take a fieldwork.

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 4: in Sydney

Ludwig came to Sydney on February 14th, 1842. The primary objective was for exploring the inland Australia. He engaged in a study about flora, fauna and geology of Hunter River located north of Sydney in September 1842.

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Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 5: the sponsored expedition

Ludwig was interested to participate in an expedition sponsored by government after he came back to Sydney in 1844. However, his plan about it was not successful.  However, he decided to execute the expedition of Moreton Bay to Port Essington from the private finding. Some people volunteered themselves to take part in the expedition.

Ludwig Leichhardt Facts

Ludwig Leichhardt Facts

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 6: leaving Sidney

Ludwig sailed to Moreton Bay in August 1844 after leaving Sydney. His team departed from Jimbour Homestead on October 1st, 1844.

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Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 7: the arrival

On December 17th, 1845, he arrived at Port Essington after having 3,000-mile journey.

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 8: as a hero

He was welcomed as a hero after arriving in Sydney on March 25th, 1846. He was presumed dead, but he was capable to return by boat.

Ludwig Leichhardt Expedition

Ludwig Leichhardt Expedition

Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 9: the second expedition

The second expedition of Ludwig was sponsored by the government and private donation. In December 1846, the expedition began. Due to famine, malaria fever and heavy rain, the team should come back in June 1847.

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Facts about Ludwig Leichhardt 10: disappearance

Ludwig and his team were last seen on April 3rd, 1848. The cause of their missing is still mystery.

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