You will be informed with an American real estate developer on Facts about Mary Anderson. She was born on 19th February 1866 and died on 27th June 1953. She was known as a viticulturist and a rancher. Do you know that the windshield viper blade was invented by Anderson? She earned the patent in November 1903. We know it as a windshield viper. The device is controlled inside the car for cleaning the window automatically. Let us check other interesting facts about Anderson below:
Facts about Mary Anderson 1: the birthplace of Anderson
The birthplace of Anderson was located in Greene County, Alabama. She relocated to Birmingham, Alabama along with her sister and widowed mother in 1889.
Facts about Mary Anderson 2: moving to Fresno, California
Anderson lived in Fresno, California in 1893. She ran a vineyard and a cattle ranch in 1898.
Facts about Mary Anderson 3: the invention of a windshield viper
Anderson had an idea about a windshield viper after she noticed that a motorman faced difficulty to keep the windshield clear when she visited New York City in 1902 during the winter season.
Facts about Mary Anderson 4: returning to Alabama
She had a designer to create the windshield viper to keep it clear with a hand-operated device located inside the car. The working model of the windshield viper was produced by a local company. Then she was awarded with a patent for windshield viper in 1903 for 17 years.
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Facts about Mary Anderson 5: the description of the device
The windshield featured a rubber blade controlled by the level located inside the car used to control the blade.
Facts about Mary Anderson 6: the operation of the level
The spring-loaded arm will move back and forth on the windshield to make it clear during the rainy season or winter season.
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Facts about Mary Anderson 7: the contact
The contact between the viper and window is ensured by employing a counterweight. The design created by Anderson is effective though the similar devices had been made before.
Facts about Mary Anderson 8: Cadillac
The first automaker, which employed the windshield viper as the standard equipment in a car, is Cadillac.
Facts about Mary Anderson 9: the later life
In the later years, Anderson focused on managing Fairmont Apartments.
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Facts about Mary Anderson 10: death
Anderson passed away in Monteagle, Tennessee at the age of 87.
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