It is time to talk about interesting facts about medieval castles. A castle is type of fortified structure mostly built in Europe and the Middle East in the middle ages. In fact, people opine that castle is the same as palace. In term, palace is not fortified, and from a fortress, it was not always a residence for nobility. Castles, initially, were built in the 9th and 10th centuries, which is after the fall of the Carolingian Empire resulted in its territory being devided among individual lords and princes. The other amazing facts about castles would be told below.
Facts about Medieval Castles 1: Definition
Castle is the word derived from the Latin, ‘castellum’ means fortified place’. Based on the academicians acquisent, castle is a private fortified residence. This contrasts with the earlier fortifications, such as Anglo-Saxon burhs and walled cities such as Constantinople and Antioch in the Middle East, castles were not communal defences but were built and owned by the local feodal lords.
Facts about Medieval Castles 2: Motte Feature
Motte is an earthen mound with a flat top. It was often artificial, even though sometimes it incorporated a pre-existing feature of the landscape. Sometimes a motte covered an older castles or hall, whose rooms became underground storage areas and prisons beneath a new keep.

facts about medieval castles
Facts about Medieval Castles 3: Keep
A keep is the great tower and usually the strongest defended point of a castle before the introduction of concentric defence. Keep apllied a century after middle ages which is the 16th century or called as post-classical history.
Facts about Medieval Castles 4: Gatehouse Feature
The weakest part of the castle is gatehouse or the entrance. To handle this, the gate was developed. The gate rebuilt in stone even though they were the earth or timber castles. The gatehouse contained a series of defences to make a direct assault more difficult than battering down a simple gate.
Facts about Medieval Castles 5: Moat Feature
A moat was a defensive ditch with steep sides, and could be dry or filled by water.
Facts about Medieval Castles 6: The Origin of Castles (the 9th and 10th centuries)
The emergence of castle is debatable. In several countries, the monarch had little control over lords or required the construction of new catles to aid in securing the land so was unconcerned about granting permission.

facts about medieval castles
Facts about Medieval Castles 7: The 11th Century
During the 11th century, the references to castles in texts increased greatly. Based on the evidences were found, the form and design varied among regions.
Facts about Medieval Castles 8: Innovation and Scientific Design (the 12th century)
By the late 12th century, the number of castles being built went into decline. At the same time, there was a change in castle architecture.
Facts about Medieval Castles 9: The 13th Century
In the innitial of the 13th century, Crusader castles were mostly built by military orders. The orders were responsible for the foundation of sites.

facts about medieval castles
Facts about Medieval Castles 10: The 15th Century
By the beginning of the 15th century, the number of castles construction in England and Wales into decline.
The description facts about medieval castles have done presented above, are that help you to get insight about the castle in the middle ages?