10 Facts about Lumbini

Post On: March 28, 2017
By: Agustina

The famous place for the pilgrims who visit the Rupandehi District of Nepal is Lumbini. This Buddhist pilgrimage site is believed to be the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama. In 563 BCE, Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Gautama. The name of the site is taken from Nepali and Sanskrit languages. It means the lovely. Find out more interesting facts about Lumbini by reading the whole post below:

Facts about Lumbini 1: who is Siddhartha Gautama?

Siddhartha Gautama is the most important figure in Buddhism. In 528 BCE, he was enlightened. He established Buddhism. Later he was known as Gautama Buddha.

Facts about Lumbini 2: the importance of Lumbini

Lumbini is an important site for the people who embrace Buddhism. It gives them insight about the early life of Gautama.

Facts about Lumbini

Facts about Lumbini

Facts about Lumbini 3: temples

When you arrive at Lumbini, you will know a number of temples here.  The famous one is Mayadevi Temple. Other temples are still constructed.

Facts about Lumbini 4: other buildings

Besides the temples, Lumbini also features other significant buildings like Lumbini International Research Institute, monasteries and monuments.

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Facts about Lumbini 5: Holy Pond

Holy Pond in Lumbini is also an interesting feature. It is often called as Puskarini. Before giving birth to his son, the queen took a dip ritual. The first bath of Buddha also took place in the Puskarini.

Lumbini Temple

Lumbini Temple

Facts about Lumbini 6: World Heritage Site status

In 1997, UNESCO awarded Lumbini with a World Heritage Site status.

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Facts about Lumbini 7: the discovery

A great stone pillar was discovered at Lumbini by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896. Khadga Samsher Rana was the leader of the archaeologist. Alois Anton Führer served as his assistant. Ashoka put the pillar circa 245 BCE. He was an emperor of Maurya Empire.

Facts about Lumbini 8: the size of Lumbini

Lumbini has the width of 1.0 mile or 1.6 kilometer and length of 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers. The large monastic zone is used to border the holy site of Lumbini. Thus, it only features monasteries. The restaurants, hotels and shops are not found here.



Facts about Lumbini 9: the features of holy site

A sacred Bodhi tree, ruins of ancient monasteries, Mayadevi temple, an ancient bathing pond, and Ashokan pillar are found inside the holy site of Lumbini.

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Facts about Lumbini 10: the pilgrims

The pilgrims who come from various parts of the world will do a number of activities such as meditation and chanting in the holy site of Lumbini.

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