Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt will answer your curiosity about the history of Egypt. The modern country of Egypt is considered as the site of ancient Egyptian civilization. Based on the conventional Egyptian chronology, the prehistoric Egyptian civilization was traced back in 3150 BC. The first pharaoh who united the Upper and Lower Egypt was Narmer. The historians often call him Menes. Check other interesting facts about the life in ancient Egypt below:
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 1: The Intermediate Periods
The Intermediate Periods were used to define the relative instable periods in the history of ancient Egypt. The Early Bronze Age was marked with the presence of Old Kingdom. Then it was followed by Middle Kingdom of Middle Bronze Age. It was completed with New Kingdom in the Late Bronze Age.

Life in Ancient Egypt
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 2: the life in New Kingdom
During the Ramesside period, New Kingdom had great power. The enemies of the kingdom included Mittani Empire, Assyrian Empire and Hittite Empire.
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Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 3: the achievements
Ancient Egyptian developed well with various unique buildings like obelisks, temples and pyramids. The Egyptians had the ability to construct, survey, and quarry.
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 4: the Nile River
The Nile River played an important role in the life of the ancient Egyptians. Many of them lived near the riverbank. The fertile land and water from the river opened up the opportunities to have farm and develop the agricultural system.

Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 5: the role of pharaoh
The land and resources in Egypt were under the control of pharaoh. He or she was the absolute monarch in ancient Egypt.
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 6: the king
The head of the government as well as the supreme military commander was at the hand of the king.

Life in Ancient Egypt Map
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 7: ancient Egypt in the region level
It had 42 nomes or administrative regions at the regional level. The nomarch will govern each nome.
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 8: the economy
The economy in ancient Egypt was controlled by the officials. The money barter system was applied here. In the Late period, the people began to use the coinage.
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Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 9: the social status
The social status played significant role in the life of the people. Most people who lived during the era were farmers. The noble family, temple and state owned the agricultural produce.

Life in Ancient Egypt Facts
Facts about Life in Ancient Egypt 10: the craftsmen and artists
The social status of farmers was lower than that of artists and craftmens.
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