10 Facts about Local Government

Post On: February 27, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Local Government will tell us about a form of public administration.   It serves as the lower tier of a nation, state or country. The local government is not similar with the federal government, national government or central government since the local government is not at the state level. The power earned by the local government is gained from the higher level of government or by the legislation.

Facts about Local Government 1:  in federal states

The third or fourth tier of the government usually is served as a local government in some federal states. The second or the third tier of government usually is taken by the local government in the unitary states.

Facts about Local Government

Facts about Local Government

Facts about Local Government 2:  the varied styles of local government

There is no exact style of local government for it may vary in countries in the world. The local government may enjoy a great level of independence related to the governance and public administration with municipal autonomy.

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Facts about Local Government 3: the common names of local government entities

The local government in the countries of the world shares the similar value even though it is probably called using different terminology. The local service district, region, state, province, borough, township, district, prefecture, county, department, shire, municipality, parish, city and town are some entities under the local government.

Facts about Local Government 4: the limited power

In Egypt, which applied the highly centralized state, the power of local government was very limited.

Facts about Local Government

Facts about Local Government

Facts about Local Government 5: the governing structure

The local government also had its governing structure, which consisted of mayors, district officers or governors. They were appointed by the executive organs or representative councils in Egypt

Facts about Local Government 6: the governors

The president appointed the governors. Then the governors would appoint the subordinate executive officers in Egypt.

Local Government Journal

Local Government Journal

Facts about Local Government 7: the decentralization program in Mali

The decentralization program is promoted in the recent years in Mali. The urban council members were selected by having elections in August-September 1998.

Facts about Local Government 8: in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has divisional headquarters for the eight administrative regions which include Mymensingh, Rangpur, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal, Dhaka and Chittagong.

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Facts about Local Government 9: in Israel

The local government in Israel is divided in four types. They are the industrial councils, regional councils, local councils and cities.

Local Government Australia

Local Government Australia

Facts about Local Government 10: the cities

The cities usually are inhabited by more than 20,000 people. It features 71 urban municipalities in single level.

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