Why don’t you look at Facts about Lysistrata to give more information about a comedy by Aristophanes? In 411 BCE, this comedy was performed for the first time in Classical Athens. This comedy exposes an issue related to the sexual relationship. It narrated the story of women who wanted to end the Peloponnesian War. She applied the unusual way to reach this goal. If you want to know the mission of Lysistrata, check the following post below:
Facts about Lysistrata 1: Lysistrata’s mission
The mission of Lysistrata was to end Peloponnesian War. She spread the message to other Greek women to deny having sex with their lovers or husbands so that they would negotiate peace and end the war.
Facts about Lysistrata 2: the unexpected result
The strategy developed Lysistrata led into an unexpected result since the war between sexes occurred.
Facts about Lysistrata 3: the sexual relations
Lysistrata is considered as an early play, which focuses on the issue of sexual relations. The play was not a form of Old Comedy for it shifted from the conventional tradition at that time.
Facts about Lysistrata 4: Thesmophoriazusae
Thesmophoriazusae is another play, which uses gender as the primary theme. Both Thesmophoriazusae and Lysistrata were produced in the same year.
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Facts about Lysistrata 5: Greek theatre
Greek theatre was considered as an important part for entertaining the crowd. The political issues were popular as the primary subject in the play.
Facts about Lysistrata 6: events
There are various events, which might be helpful for the readers or audiences to understand Lysistrata. Agoracritus was the sausage seller who became the savoir of Athens. He appeared at the end of the play.
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Facts about Lysistrata 7: the identities in Lysistrata
There are a number identities explored in Lysistrata. They include Hippias, Hermokopidae, Korybantes, Myronides and Aristogeiton. Hippias was mentioned twice in the play. He was known as a tyrant in Athens.
Facts about Lysistrata 8: other characters
Other characters in Lysistrata include Cimon, Demostratus, Peisander and Cleisthenes. Lysistrata called Peisander as a corrupt politician. He was an oligarch and aristocrat in Athens.
Facts about Lysistrata 9: Cleisthenes
Cleisthenes was mentioned in the play twice. He was a homosexual who served as the mediator between the Athenian women and Spartans.
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Facts about Lysistrata 10: modern adaptations
The modern adaptations of Lysistrata reflect the pacifists or feminist point of view. However, the traditional one does reflect neither of them.
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