10 facts about medieval villages tell about the 10 pieces of information about the history of life in the middle ages. In this period, most of population lived in villages. A knight was the most important person to protect the villages from attackers. The peasant was the majority population during the medieval times. A peasant is a pre-industrial agricultural labourer farmer, especially one living in the middle ages under feudalism and paying rent, tax, fees or services to a landlord. In the medieval period of Europe, based on the personal status, peasants classified into three classes namely slave, serf, and free tenant. In this article, I would like to tell you about the less-known interesting about the chronical of villages in the middle ages.
Facts about Medieval Villages 1: The Medieval Village Trend
Usually on a hill within the village overlooking the village would be a medieval castle where the honourable man would live, not from this would be the lord of the manor’s manor house. The majority medieval village had an animal pound to protect the animal that strayed.
Facts about Medieval Villages 2: The Medieval Village Layout
Most of people during medieval times would have a green village, a stream for fish, a blacksmith, carpenters house, beehives, etc.

10 facts about medieval villages
Facts about Medieval Villages 3: Farming in the Middle Ages
Interestingly, in the medieval time, most villages had at least three large fields for planted such as wheat and barley.
people also read: https://lessknownfacts.com/10-facts-about-medieval-peasant/
Facts about Medieval Villages 4: The Lifestyle of Peasants in the Medieval Times
In medieval England was extremely harsh and hard. The majority of farmers in field owned and totally under controlled by the landlords.
Facts about Medieval Villages 5: The Peasant’s Obligation
During middle ages, peasants had to pay rent and taxes to the lord. Moreover, they obligated to work for free on church land.
Facts about Medieval Villages 6: The Home of Peasant
Peasant lived in cruck house. These had a wooden frame onto which was plastered wattle and daub.

10 facts about medieval villages
Facts about Medieval Villages 7: The Trend of Industrialisation in the Middle Times
Industrial Revolution which enabled mechanically and chemically augmented agricultural production while simultaneously increasing the demand for factory workers in cities, and wellknown as proletariat.
Facts about Medieval Villages 8: The Impact of Industrialisation to Peasant Life
The trend of industrialisation influence the sorts of jobs. The trend displaced many peasants from the land and compelled them, often unwillingly, to become urban factory-workers.
Facts about Medieval Villages 9: Food
The people including peasants in medieval villages had a reasonable diet that included brad, fruit, vegetables, porridge, and stew. Then they accompanied by a drink of fresh water and/or beer. At this period, the kinds of food such as meat, fish and eggs were an expensive and luxury items.

10 facts about medieval villages
Facts about Medieval Villages 10: Medieval Fairs
Medieval fair was a yearly event in the villages. There would be a lot of entertainments such as jugglers, wrestling games, dancing bears, magicians, etc.
I have presented the 10 facts about medieval villages, I do hope you like it.