Top 10 Facts about Malaria

Post On: April 24, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Malaria explain about a mosquito-borne infectious disease. The parasitic protozoan in the mosquitoes affects the health of humans and animals. Some signs and symptoms related to malaria include headaches, vomiting, tiredness, and fever.  It may lead into seizure, yellow skin, coma or even death if malaria patients are in severe condition. The patient will experience the symptoms 10 to 15 days after it was bitten.  Check other interesting facts about malaria below:

Facts about Malaria 1: recurrence

Malaria may recur on the patient if this disease is well treated. The milder symptoms may occur during the re-infection.

Facts about Malaria 2: the female Anopheles mosquito

The female Anopheles mosquito is considered as the transmitter of malaria disease. The person’s blood will be infected by the parasites through the saliva of the mosquitoes. The parasites will be mature and reproduced as they reach the liver.

Facts about Malaria

Facts about Malaria

Facts about Malaria 3: species of Plasmodium

There are five types of Plasmodium species, which may infect human being through mosquitoes. The milder malaria is caused by P. Malariae, P. Ovale and P. Vivax. P. Falciparum causes most death cases of malaria.

Facts about Malaria 4: prevention

You may prevent being bitten by the mosquitoes by installing insect repellants or mosquito nets. Some people also drain standing water and spray insecticides to control the mosquitoes.

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Facts about Malaria 5: medications

Medications are available for those who want to travel to the areas mainly affected by malaria.

Malaria Symptoms

Malaria Symptoms

Facts about Malaria 6: the widespread disease

The people who live in subtropical and tropical areas are mainly affected by malaria. They are concentrated in Latin America, Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Facts about Malaria 7: the cases and death

The global cases of malaria reached 296 million in 2015. Around 731,000 cases ended up in death. Most of them took place in Africa.

Facts about Malaria 8: the social problem

The social problems such as low economic development and poverty are associated with the presence of malaria.



Facts about Malaria 9: cerebral malaria

The neurological symptoms occur on the patients with cerebral malaria. The symptoms include seizures, conjugate gaze palsy, nystagmus and abnormal posturing. The low birth weight, abortion, infant mortality and stillbirths might occur on the pregnant women with malaria.

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Facts about Malaria 10: Liver dysfunction

It is rare to have liver dysfunction because of malaria. The patients who have already had chronic liver disease or viral hepatitis may experience liver dysfunction.

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