10 Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony

Post On: July 26, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony inform the readers with an English settlement in North America. It was established nearby the Massachusetts Bay in 17th century. Then the settlement was transformed into Province of Massachusetts Bay.

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 1: the present-day settlement

Massachusetts Bay Colony is situated in the modern-day Massachusetts in central New England.

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 2: the administered territories

Parts of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut were included as the territories of Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Massachusetts Bay Colony Facts

Massachusetts Bay Colony Facts

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 3: the founders

Do you know the founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony?  The investors along with owners of Massachusetts Bay Company founded the settlement.

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 4: the beginning of the colony

In 1628, the colony Massachusetts Bay was established. It was the second try for Massachusetts Bay Company to establish colonization. It was considered as a successful attempt because New England housed more than 20,000 people in 1630s.

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Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 5: the populations

Puritans were the dominant population of Massachusetts Bay Colony. The puritan religious leaders heavily affected the governance of Massachusetts Bay Colony through a small group of leaders.

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 6: election

Election was implemented to choose the governors for Massachusetts Bay Colony. Only the freemen were allowed to vote in the election. However, they must be puritan.

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Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 7: religious intolerance

The religious intolerance occurred in Massachusetts Bay Colony for the Baptist, Quaker and Anglican were not capable to vote.

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 8: Indian populations

At first, a good relationship was established between the people from Massachusetts Bay Colony with Indian populations. However, conflict occurred between both groups. In 1636 until 1638, Pequot War took place. In 1675 until 1678, King Phillip’s War occurred. Peace treaties were made between the colonist and most of Indians.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 9: economy

Trade was one of the primary sources of economy for the colonists in Massachusetts Bay. They established trade with West Indies and England. In 1652, a mint was established in the colony.

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Facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony 10: Province of Massachusetts Bay

In 1691, a charter to establish Province of Massachusetts Bay was issued. The new province was under the rule of Sir William Phips after he landed in the colony in 1692.

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