10 Fun Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson

Post On: April 4, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson will discuss the life of the 36th President of United States. This American politician was often nicknamed as LBJ. He was in the office from 1963 until 1969. Johnson was born on 27th August 1908 and died on 22nd January 1973. He was in the office after he became the 37th Vice President for Kennedy. Let me show you other interesting facts about Johnson below:

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 1: US Representative

In 1937 until 1949, Johnson became a US Representative from Texas. He was a democrat.

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 2: US Senator

In 1949 until 1961, he became a US Senator. He had served as Senate Majority Whip, Senate Minority Leader and Senate Majority Leader.

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 3: presidential election

In 1960, he followed a presidential election as a nominee from Democrat. He failed in the election. However, Kennedy selected him as his vice during the election. They won the election by defeating Richard Nixon and Henry Cabon Lodge Jr.

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 4:  as a vice president

On 20 January 1961, Johnson was sworn as the vice president of United States. Kennedy served as the president.

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Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 5: President of United States

Johnson became the president of United States after Kennedy was assassinated. He earned the place on 22th November 1963. It was 2 years and 10 months after he became a vice president.

Lyndon B. Johnson Facts

Lyndon B. Johnson Facts

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 6: a full term

In 1964 election, Johnson earned a full term as a US President after he defeated Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona from Republican Party. Johnson had become a US Representative, Senator, Vice President and President of United States.

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Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 7: the “Great Society” legislation

One of the famous programs of Johnson was the “Great Society” legislation.  It was used to maintain and support public broadcasting, civil rights, arts, rural development, public service and medicare.

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 8: the War on Poverty

Poverty was also the major concern of Johnson. He had “War on Poverty” which focused to raise the quality life of poor Americans.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson

Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 9: racial discrimination

Johnson was against racial discrimination. He signed civil right bills to make sure that it would not happen in housing, workplace, interstate commerce and public facilities.

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Facts about Lyndon B. Johnson 10: the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

The immigration system was altered by Johnson into national origin quotas from the racial origin quotas.

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